
Shenzhen Boka Supply Chain Managenment Co.,Ltd.-intelligent supply chain service platform

Risk Warnings

Recently, our company has received reports one after another from the public that there are criminals who publicize false news on major media platforms in the name of "Boka Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd" to induce the public to transfer or pay money and thus commit malicious network-based fraud. On this matter, our company solemnly declares that:

1. Please note that our official channels includes:

Our official website: https://www.bokahk.com

And our official WeChat ID: BOKA-SCM.

2. A third party who engages in "joining BOKA/topping up/training/click farming" and other activities in our name through other third-party platforms (websites), apps, group chats and other online forms is committing a fraud. Please do not believe any content and commitment made by such criminals, so as to prevent loss of your personal property. In addition, please immediately report such loss of personal property to the public security organs if any.

3. Please be vigilant about various frauds by criminals. For any uncertain information, please call our official hotline 0755-23949771.